“Rocks” are the Photo Theme For September

Rocks – When I was learning photography an instructor gave us an assignment to “find yourself in the rocks.”  As part of this learning experience you not only learned how to visualize a scene but also how to change your position and see how the way the light changes to reveal/hide details in your subject.  You’ll be amazed at how the shape and appearance of something like a rock changes as you move around it.  There are rocks everywhere that you can photograph.  Some look like people, animals, objects, etc. depending on the light and your perspective.  Be creative.  Interpret a rock or rocks in a way that makes them more interesting.

Create photographs that fit the theme and upload up to five of them to the club’s Monthly Photo Themes flickr group.  Post them during SEPTEMBER, not before or after, that way they’ll appear together with other club member’s images.

[Photo by George Warren Ziegler]