Club Calendar

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About the Club Calendar

The club calendar lists all the major activities and events of the Morgan Hill Photography Club.  Click on a scheduled item to display details of the event including subject, location, and contact.  Monthly meetings are open to the public.

If you are a club member and wish to have an activity or event placed in the calendar, please use the club’s Contact Form to send a message to the webmaster.  The message should contain the type of activity or event (e.g. photo safari, focus group meeting, etc.) it’s date and time, it’s location, and a contact person.  Items are posted on the calendar as soon as possible after a notification of an activity or event is received.

Note: You are able to integrate the information in the club calendar with a personal calendar on your smartphone, tablet, or computer.  Search the internet for “merge a google calendar with …” for instructions relative to your particular device.