“Action” is the Photo Theme for May
Action – Action photography is a lot of fun, but capturing heart-stopping shots of moving subjects can be intimidatingly difficult. Whether you’re photographing athletes, adventurers, or passersby, creating amazing action images requires intense concentration, not to mention real technical skills.
Action photography is about capturing subjects in motion. It can encompass wildlife and sports, though you can apply the techniques involved to any number of subjects. Whatever you plan to shoot, the key to action photography is careful planning and a thorough understanding of your subject. Movements are fast and unpredictable, so you need to be quick in clicking your shutter.
Beyond that, you’ll need to know your camera and equipment inside and out. Of course, there’s also an element of luck at play, but for many action photographers, that’s part of the thrill.
Create photographs that fit the theme and upload up to five of them to the club’s Monthly Photo Themes flickr group. Post them during May not before or after, that way they’ll appear together with other club member’s images.
[Photo by: Dong Bui ]