“Night Lights” is the Photo Theme for December

Night Lights – “I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day.” – Vincent van Gogh.  The month of December is now the time for club members to express their interpretation of van Gogh’s statement in their photographs.  Almost every scenario that you can think of with night photography, whether it’s a city-scape, where there’s rich yellows, and whites, and blues and oranges, and reds that are kind of moving and pulsating throughout the scene, or going out again and operating under the moonlight and operating with the night sky the “color” of night is there to be photographed.  There will be many lights of varying colors tonight, how will you photograph them?

Create photographs that fit the theme and upload up to five of them to the club’s Monthly Photo Themes flickr group.  Post them during December, not before or after, that way they’ll appear together with other club member’s images.

[Photo by: George Warren Ziegler]