“Upside Down” is the Photo Theme for August

Upside Down – Photograph something that is Upside Down. Photographers nowadays are capturing some cool and unique photos which are creating a lot of engagement among their viewers.  New and creative photography trends are being brought to the photography industry.  Recent photography trends also include some cool and pretty amazing types of photography that you have never seen before.  One such cool photography trend is upside down photography.  This type of photography of making the subject look upside down is pretty cool and also being shared a lot on social media platforms.  Show your way of creating images using the art of upside down photography.

Create photographs that fit the theme and upload up to five of them to the club’s Monthly Photo Themes flickr group.  Post them during August, not before or after, that way they’ll appear together with other club member’s images.

[Photo by: Serena Hartoog ]