“Masks” are the Photo Theme for January

Masks – are objects that cover the face for a variety of reasons.  They are used for protection, disguise, entertainment or ritual practices and are made from various materials, depending of use.  Earliest use of masks was for rituals and ceremonies, and the oldest found mask is from 7000 BC.

There are as many different masks as there are cultures.  And even more.  Many different influences affected how masks are made and used.  There are many popular masks around the world that can be categorized by different criteria.  Masks can be used in rituals, ceremonies, hunting, feasts, wars, performances, theater, fashion, sports, movies, as well as in medical, protective or occupational purposes.

There are many masks around the world, find some, photograph them, and post them to our Monthly Photo Themes Flickr group.

Create photographs that fit the theme and upload up to five of them to the club’s Monthly Photo Themes flickr group.  Post them during January, not before or after, that way they’ll appear together with other club member’s images.

[Publicity photo – Phantom of the Opera]