“Looking Up” is the Photo Theme For November

Looking Up – Do you want to transform your photography from ordinary to extraordinary?  One way to accomplish this is to change your perspective or choose a different vantage point when you compose a picture.  Look up at the subject. When you shoot from a low angle, you’re often looking up at your subject. But let’s talk about really looking up at your subject – way up at the buildings, the trees and the sky above you. Whether you’re roaming the busy streets of your city or hiking in a forest, there are many opportunities to look up and capture a creative new view of your surroundings. Looking up can provide an entirely new view of your surroundings. As you capture those views, you’ll be offering your audience a perspective they may have never seen before.

Create photographs that fit the theme and upload up to five of them to the club’s Monthly Photo Themes flickr group.  Post them during NOVEMBER, not before or after, that way they’ll appear together with other club member’s images.

[Photo by Gordon Thenemann]